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2023 Cruces Cup

Thank you for officiating for the 2023 Cruces Cup.


Please apply the City of Las Cruces Inclement Weather Policy: If the WeatherBug app indicates a lightning strike within 10 miles of your game, all present must vacate the facility, seek shelter (for example in a vehicle). Games will resume after 30 minutes has elapsed since the last strike.


There are only a handful of changes to our normal game day procedures:


  • Teams must present printed rosters and player pass cards to the officials before each match. However, since teams have been checked in by the Tournament, players do not need to be checked in by the officials before each game. Referees should, however, conduct the usual player inspection for unsafe or illegal equipment. Coaches should wear lanyards containing their IDs as during the regular season.

  • Tournament games are shorter than regular season games by 10 minutes (5 minutes subtracted from each half).

  • Referees will report the score (and any misconduct) immediately after each game using the form provided by the Tournament directors at each venue. You are also asked to complete the game report in Arbiter.

  • The full Tournament Rules can be found in the attached document. Tournament directors will be present at all venues to answer your questions.

© 2024 Las Cruces Soccer Referee Association

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